So New Year, New Blog, New Me. Well I’ve done the new blog bit – my posts about the Rose Parade and Mammoth were glowing with positivity; now it’s time for the new me so I’ve joined the rest of the new year resolutionists and headed off to the gym, as I do every January.
As I’ve said before, I find it admirable that so many Californians do what they can to look after themselves and keep fit and healthy. I know a lot of this is because they don’t want to have to pay their medical bills; but there is of course another motive. Californians are not just fighting off infections and the after affects of a hedonistic lifestyle, there are a lot of people here who are trying to turn back time – I’m talking the anti-aging process.
None of us wants to get old. In my head I’m still a teenager but unfortunately that message hasn’t reached the rest of my body. I do as much as I can to halt the tide; I try to eat a healthy diet, I moisturize and I dye my hair. I’ve always dyed my hair, I used to be blonde to hide the mouse brown now I’m blonde to hide the grey. Just lately my husband has started to comment that if I can dye my hair, why shouldn’t he? He’s starting to feel like he’s the only grey in the office. Well I like his speckled grey hair - I think it’s very distinguishing. The problem is you don’t see that many men his age over here with grey hair. You see a lot of men his age with beautifully coiffured and very obviously dyed dark hair, and I’m pretty sure if he turned up at work tomorrow with hair the colour of coal not one of his colleagues would bat an eyelid. His American colleagues that is – his English workmates would be rolling around on the floor laughing.
So what’s wrong with a bit of male grooming? All the TV presenters are at it. And as for the female TV presenters – well groomed would be a bit of an understatement - how can you take the news seriously when you have anchor woman Barbie handing over to on the spot reporter Sindy - oh and then back to you Ken for the weather!! Where are all the old people?
They’re in clinics in Beverly Hills under the surgeon’s knife. You really do see some very odd looking people out here – and some very dis-proportionate body shapes. What's wrong with looking how nature intended. Soon there won’t be any real people left. The American media is very good at projecting this image that can make you feel totally inadequate in every department. How can the average person live up to this bombardment of Hollywood style perfection – the perfect figure; the perfect hair; the perfect teeth.
What’s the problem with natural beauty? Could it be that there's no money to be made from it?
Of course the trouble with living in California is that the weather encourages this outdoor lifestyle which isn’t actually that good for you. We all want a tan but we don’t want the lines and wrinkles that go with it, and we definitely don’t want skin cancer. Even Botox can’t get rid of that. And no amount of surgery, or lotions and potions which flood onto the market out here can actually make you younger – yes you might look 10 years younger than you really are; yes, it may, briefly, make you feel 10 years younger, but it’s what’s inside that really counts – and I don’t mean how much silicon has been put in or fat that’s been sucked out. Unless they can come up with a procedure for re-generating your internal organs (and I’m pretty sure there’s some surgeon up in Beverly Hills working on that one right now) unfortunately if you were born 40 years ago; you’re still 40.
I might as well get off that treadmill now.
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